Mundaroo State Forest Harvesting Operations
Forestry Corporation of NSW will be conducting harvesting operations in Mundaroo State Forest adjacent the Hume & Hovell Track.
The harvesting operations will be conducted in the pink area, as outlined in the map below (area supplied by Forestry Corporation of NSW).
The affected section of the track is from the intersection of Munderoo Access Road and Warners Road, approximately 2km from the Mannus Glenroy Road heading south along the Track.
A detour has been put in place for walkers to reduce the interaction with harvesting operations and ensure the safe walkway through the affected area, as outlined by the yellow line below. The Hume & Hovell Track Route is indicated by the maroon dotted line below.
Work will be underway throughout November 2023.
Above: Affected area
For further information or enquiries specific to this work please contact Forestry Corporation on (02) 6947 3911 or visit the website at
Track Managers advise walkers to use caution when passing through this section. You must remain on the track and ensure you are prepared with sufficient supplies and water in the event that delays are experienced. Be mindful when passing through this section as there may be increased traffic on nearby forestry roads as the harvesting operations are undertaken.
Please note: the Hume & Hovell Track passes through numerous land tenures which means access and management may be impacted by the governing body. This includes chemical usage, harvesting operations, road works and maintenance.