Building the Hume Dam

Work started on the Hume Dam in 1919 just as the Burrinjuck and Eildon dams were being finished.

The original works were completed in 1936. Further work to raise the level and install hydro-electrical works took place between 1950 and 1961, including the addition of 29 spillway gates.

This story is compiled from the works of celebrated local historians Howard Jones and Merrick Webb (dec.). 


‘Last of the Hume Dam Builders’, in Howard C Jones, Amazing People of the Border, published 2015

A History of Thurgoona, Howard C Jones, published 1985.

Table Top – A History of the District 1824-1984, Edited by Merrick Webb, compiled by the Table Top History Committee to commemorate the School Centenary 1984.

Parklands Albury Wodonga gratefully acknowledge the support of the NSW Government, through the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage and the Heritage Council NSW, to make these Hume and Hovell Track stories. 


The Hovell Tree


Waterworks RSL Camp